Personal Development

How to Get Above the Fray and Chart a Better Course

3 Ways a Life Plan Can Point You Where You Want to Go

I love the ocean. Being out on the water fishing is a thrill, and you can see for miles. But being just a few feet above the waves makes all the difference.

Jump overboard and you suddenly have trouble seeing much at all. You’re bobbing up and down. The waves are coming at you, blocking your view. It’s extremely disorienting.

You’re using all your effort just to stay above the waves and strain for visibility. And there are times when life feels like that, right?

No Visibility

Maybe you’re under heavy pressure at the office. Maybe you’re struggling to make the most of relationships at home.

Maybe you’re watching others find significance and meaning, while you can’t seem to identify your deeper purpose.

It can be tempting in moments like these to lose heart. I’ve sure experienced that. It can also be tempting to cross your fingers and start swimming hard where you hope you’re supposed to be going. I’ve done that too.

Bad news: If you do the first, you’re sunk. If you do the second, the odds are good you soon will be.

What you need is a buoy, something that can help you climb out of the water to gain some perspective. A Life Plan can do that.

Finding Our Way

A Life Plan is the answer for feeling underwater. It’s also the answer for the impulse to rely on pure momentum without clear direction.

How? My brand new book Living Forward: A Proven Plan to Stop Drifting and Get the Life You Want details three distinct ways a Life Plan can get you above the waves to bring you the clarity you need to decide where you’re going and how to get there.

  1. It reveals your current location. When we’re in the waves, we can’t see land. We might have a sense of where to go, but it’s hard to know for certain.

    We can’t see over all our conflicting obligations and commitments. But when we get above all the turmoil, we can see where we are in relation to where we want to go. We can gauge what it will take to get there.

    And we can objectively evaluate all the demands and decide how to handle them with the ultimate goal in mind.

  2. It enables you to decide on your destination. Once we’ve got the perspective we need, we can start making decisions about our desired destinations.

    There are many competing options. Above the fray, you can make the call:

    • What kind of career do you want?
    • What kind of marriage do you want?
    • What kind of family life do you want?
    • What kind of health and spiritual life do you want?
  3. It inspires you to start working toward your goals. This is critical because a buoy doesn’t move. You’ve got to swim if you want to arrive at your destination.

    A Life Plan instills your choices with powerful motivation. It’s like an energy boost for getting through choppy waters.

    How? Because when you have clarity about where you want to go, you can tap your inner reservoir of desire. And the more desirable your destination the more energy you’ll find to reach it.

A Proven System

I’ve been using this system for well over a decade now. Every time the waves get too high, I climb out of the water and use my Life Plan to reorient myself.

And here’s the great thing. I’ve made successful landfall again and again. Once I reach the shore, I find additional motivation to go further and reach for more.

Without a Life Plan we drift. With a Life Plan we can move towards our goals and achieve more than we thought possible.

If you’re ready to get above the fray and find the perspective you need to chart a new course, Living Forward has everything you need to do it and go further than you thought possible.

Do you feel underwater now? How would you feel to get above the waves and gain perspective on your current location?

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