If you want to make progress on your goals, you’ll need to trade intensity for consistency. Follow these 4 steps to get moving today.
4 Steps to Create a New Habit
Just because you haven’t kept up with new habits before doesn’t mean you can’t now. Here are the 4 steps to help you create lasting habits.
3 Benefits of Self-Automation
To ensure you take an action consistently, you need to tap the automatic part of your brain. Here are 3 benefits of self-automation.
The Trick to Creating More Time
As we move into December many of us find ourselves busier than ever. The goals that we had set for our work for the year are approaching the finish line. Not only are we working to ensure that the goals for 2020 are met, but we are also beginning to work on developing our goals […]
The Secret to Creating Lasting Habits
For many of us, 2020 has upended our established routines or habits. As we get ready to move into the busy holiday season, it can be even harder to get back on track. Consider what habits you’re missing in your daily schedule. I want to challenge the idea that in order to create a new […]
How to Create Meaningful Habits that Encourage Gratitude
Habits tend to become ingrained in our routines without us ever intending for them to be. Whether we realize it or not, humans center their lives around routines. But without taking the time to step back and create intentional habits, we could be allowing our lives to become centered around the wrong things. I want […]
7 Ways Successful Creatives Think Differently than Unsuccessful Ones
I have worked with authors for more than three decades. Based on my observations, here are 7 characteristics that separate the highly successful ones from the others.
The Secret Productivity Advantage of Workday Breaks
We all know that sitting for long periods of time isn’t good for our bodies. Standing boosts our energy and our mood. That’s why I use and recommend a standup desk. But there’s more to it than more time on your feet. It’s also important to get those feet moving. Our bodies just aren’t designed to […]
The Crazy Way We Work [Infographic]
When I think of one word to describe contemporary work habits, it’s unsustainable. We’re working drastically longer hours, while incurring high physical and emotional costs, for only marginal gains in productivity. We created this infographic to illustrate some interesting (and surprising) stats on our struggle with productivity in the modern workplace. Feel free to share […]
The Surprising Power of Daily Rituals
To some people, ritual is a bad word. Many folks recoil at the religious association, even though most rituals aren’t religious. For others, the thought of following set, predetermined actions makes them feel boxed in. But rituals are inescapable. We are creatures of memory and habit. The only question is whether our rituals are intentional […]
How to Break a Habit That’s Holding You Back
We’re several weeks into the new year at this point. If you set some significant goals, you might be feeling the challenge of sticking with them. That’s especially true if you’ve got a bad habit holding you back. Do you have a habit you’re struggling to break? Sometimes it can feel impossible. We’ve all been […]
When and How to Use Habits to Achieve Your Goals
Great results don’t just happen. You don’t usually drift to a destination you would have chosen. Instead, you have to be intentional, force yourself to get clear on what you want and why it’s important, and then pursue a plan of action that accomplishes your objective. Sometimes, this involves setting an achievement goal with a […]
How to Become a Morning Person
We’ve all heard the benefits of becoming a morning person. But how do you become one? In this post I provide a nine steps you can take starting today.
3 Powerful Habits Every Leader Needs to Excel
When you think about leadership, what’s one word that matters more than almost any others? In his new book, H3 Leadership: Be Humble, Stay Hungry, Always Hustle, Brad Lomenick says “habit” is the key. More than 40 percent of the things we do throughout the day aren’t the result of decisions, he says. They’re habits. […]
When You’re Just Too Tired to Make the Right Call
When do you make your best decisions, at the end of a day crammed with meetings and calls? Or early in the morning after a day of rest? My Twitter stream was filled last week with teachers and professors grading papers—and by that I mean teachers and professors complaining about grading papers. It’s hard work, […]
How to Make a New Habit Stick
We’re over seventy days into the New Year. How are you doing with your goals and resolutions? Some people I talk with are building momentum and making big gains. Others are struggling—especially when it comes to developing beneficial new habits. For decades now I’ve heard that it takes twenty-one days to form a new habit, […]
The Reflex of Character
The foundation of effective leadership is character. Nothing else has more impact. Nothing else has greater reach. And nothing else can make up for its lack—not education, experience, talent, or contacts. Every now and then you hear a story about someone’s character that brings this principle into sharp focus. Gail and had this experience when […]
5 Ways to Make More Time to Read
As leaders, we know we should be reading more. But we struggle to find the time. In this guest post, Robert Bruce suggests five ways to make more time.
The Easiest Way to Overcome Bad Habits
Do you have a bad habit you’d like to overcome? If so, you might take a lesson from the pin oak tree, focusing on what you want rather than what you don’t want.
Five Strategies for Building New Habits
I have a confession to make. Until about eight years ago, I didn’t floss. In fact, I hadn’t been to the dentist in a decade. My last experience had been so negative, that I just kept finding excuses to procrastinate.