Feeling overwhelmed by administrative detail? No time left to give to your most important tasks? Maybe it’s time to consider a part-time, virtual assistant.
tim ferriss
Are You Tired of Feeling Overwhelmed?
Are you feeling overwhelmed with work? I was, too. Last week, I finally decided to take these seven steps to take back control.
Beware of the Self-Proclaimed Social Media Experts
You wouldn’t want to attempt to climb Mount Everest, get half way up the mountain, and then discover that this is your guide’s first climb. Neither do you want to follow the advice of someone who is (as they say in Texas) “all hat and no cattle.” Reading a few books and articles on social media is not the same as building a successful social media platform.
Finding More “Head Time”
Most of us don’t spend enough time thinking. We are so busy doing that we have, I fear, almost forgotten how to think. Yet it is our thinking, more than any other single activity, that influences our outcomes.