
The Proven Formula I Use to Launch Every New Product

About two years ago I signed up for Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula course. It was pricey—and it was also priceless. It totally revolutionized my marketing.

Forbes magazine named Jeff the “$400 million man” because his Product Launch Formula students have made hundreds of millions with his approach.

Based on those numbers, and my own personal experience, whenever Jeff talks, I listen. And now anyone can because Jeff has just released a brand new free video series.

This training is a prelude to the next Product Launch Formula class, and it’s packed with marketing insights and takeaways that can completely change the way you do marketing.

That’s what it did for me.

Only a couple of years ago, my business mainly depended on revenue from publishing contracts and speaking engagements to grow. I had to be on the road constantly to make it work. I was doing what I loved, but I soon found myself drained and depleted.

Then I found out about Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula. After employing his simple, easy-to-follow system, I added almost 25,000 names to my email list. Better yet, I was able to monetize that list around a suite of products that have helped thousands of people win at work and succeed at life.

I’ve now grown a significant business that allows me to be home with my family and accept only the speaking engagements that make the most strategic sense. And traditional publishing, still close to my heart, is now just one of the ways I get to produce and distribute content to my audience.

If you check out Jeff’s free video series you’ll discover many of the things that got me going:

  • The one core strategy behind every successful launch
  • How to create a successful online business in weeks, not years (I was shocked how fast his system was to implement)
  • What’s plaguing unsuccessful launches in the market and why
  • Why focusing on creating the perfect product can sabotage your launch
  • What you absolutely have to avoid in your marketing

If you like what you see, you can register for the full Product Launch Formula course, but this video is a complete marketing education all by itself—and it’s totally free.

Of course, you can skip it. But don’t be surprised if your competition is already watching. Get it here while you can. He’s only making this available for a few days.

I know what Jeff Walker’s system has done for my business, and I bet it could drive yours forward as well. Get his secrets now, while you still can:

[button href="http://www.productlaunchformula.com/sw/?18815" primary="true" centered="true" newwindow="false"]Register for Jeff Walker’s Free New Video Series[/button]

As a point of disclosure, I’m partnering with Jeff and will receive an affiliate commission for sales of the full Product Launch Formula course, but there’s no obligation for you to purchase anything. Just watch the free videos and learn how to take your next launch to a higher level than you ever thought possible.

Have you ever done a product launch? If so, were you satisfied with the results?

Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, we will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, we only recommend products or services we use and believe will add value to our readers. We are disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

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