I am a loyal person. Once I let you into my life, I almost never ask you to leave. But I have had enough. I just unsibscribed from your blog. Why? One of six reasons.
Blog Traffic
10 Ways to Create a Better “About Page” for Your Blog
For most bloggers, their About Page is one of their most visited pages. Yet few bloggers take advantage of this. Here are ten ways to make it better.
How to Keep Your Blog Posts from Dying in Your Archives
About a year ago, I decided to become intentional about promoting my older posts. As a result of the actions I took, my older posts began to account for more and more of my daily traffic. In fact, today it accounts for about 30–40 percent of my total traffic. Here’s what I did—and what you can do—to give your older posts new life.
Focus on Blog Content Before Traffic
I have heard the blogging experts talk about all kinds of things, from blogging platforms to SEO. But I rarely hear them talk about the one thing that is essential: content. All of these other items are interesting, but none of them will help you if you don’t write great—or at least, pretty good—blog posts.