We often assume that people simply are a certain way. “She’s such a bright, sunny person.” “He’s always such a gloomy Gus.” Nature gives us optimists and pessimists, and that’s all there is to it. But according to Jon Gordon, that’s a myth, a limiting belief that may be holding you back. He says this […]
Why You Should Welcome Problems
Several years ago, I was having a really rough day at the office. It seemed everything that could go wrong was going wrong—at the worst possible time.
The One Quality You Must Develop to Reach Your Goals
What does it take to accomplish your goals? Some people think it’s mostly about luck, smarts, good looks, and social connections. Nope. Researcher Angela Lee Duckworth studied West Point cadets, National Spelling Bee contestants, teachers in tough schools, and sales peoples, asking who would succeed and why. “In all those very different contexts one characteristic […]
The Myth of Fun, Fast, and Easy (and Why It Keeps You from Getting the Results You Want)
Starting things is simple. It’s progress that’s hard. Nothing makes that truth come alive like looking back on your week and seeing what didn’t get finished. When we begin a project there’s all kinds of enthusiasm. We’re energized by that surge of excitement that comes from novelty and our own creativity. But that surge is […]
What Are Your Options When You Are About to Miss a Big Goal?
We’re about 50 percent short of our goal, Dad.” My oldest daughter, Megan, had just called to brief me on our recent new membership campaign for Platform University. It was day four of an eight-day promotion. My heart sank. I don’t like missing goals. Our campaign target was to add one thousand new members to […]
How to Compost Your Failures
Your failures, whether they’re relational, vocational or ministry-related, are fodder for future growth. Guest poster Mary DeMuth explains four ways this is true.
Five Leadership Lessons from Steve Jobs
Beyond his cultural and technological contributions, the legacy of Steve Jobs offers up five leadership lessons. In this guest post, Tor Constantino explains.
Avoiding One Great Temptation Every New Dream Faces
One of the great temptations for us as leaders and dreamers is to compare the start of our new adventures to the middle of someone else’s. Don’t do it. Here’s why.