Decision fatigue is a real thing. To maximize the return on daily decision-making, follow these 4 simple strategies.
How to Leverage the L.E.A.P. Principle for Big Results
The turn of the year is always a good time to evaluate what’s working in our lives, what’s not, and make any changes that will start us down a better path. As we pause and reflect on where we’ve been and where we want to go, we normally have a sense of what to do. […]
Best Tools for Decision Making
Decision making is a big part of leadership. As a leader, one is expected to take decisions all the time. Some of these are of a routine nature, while others have the power to change the course of a business. A lot rides on a leader’s decisions. They can impact the livelihood of the staff, […]
The Counsel of Scorpions
Solomon was said to be the most successful king that Israel ever had—renowned for his wisdom and his riches. His heir Rehoboam, not so much. Of the 12 tribes of Hebrews that constituted the nation of Israel, 10 revolted under Rehoboam’s reign. Later leaders would manage shaky alliances. But after Rehoboam, it was no longer […]
The Science of Intuition
Your intuition is a lot like Shawn Spencer. If you’re not familiar with the hit TV show Psych, Spencer is a private detective with a twist: he has everyone convinced he is psychic. In fact, his supernatural, detecting power is nothing more than exceptional attention-to-detail. How is this like intuition? Though people are apt to […]
Big Data is Overrated
If thou gaze long into an algorithm, the algorithm will also gaze into… well, not exactly thee, right? More like a patchy portrait of your likeness churned out by a mimeograph low on ink—sharply delineated in a few areas, sure, but hazy and obscure in many others. Yet close enough in the broad strokes to […]
How to Avoid a Nuclear War
You will never make a fully-informed decision. Accept it. The reality is that every choice involves using limited information, can have unforeseen consequences, and, because of conditions that change before your very eyes, may end up being the wrong decision anyway. Then you will have to change your mind. Yet you still can make good […]
Do You Dread Saying Yes But Feel Powerless Saying No?
The two most powerful words in the English language are yes and no. Unfortunately, they’re also the hardest to master. Like you, I have more opportunities and requests than time and energy. I’m better than ever at discerning the good from the bad, but I still sometimes agree to a project or meeting, instantly realize […]
A 4-Step Process for Making Better Decisions
Human beings are notoriously bad at making decisions. In their new book, Decisive, bestselling authors, Chip Heath and Dan Heath offer a four-step process for making better decisions. I am also giving away 50 copies.
The One Essential Habit of Every Effective Leader
If you want to become a better leader, you need to get better at this one essential skill. Guest poster Jeff Goins explains why.
How Leaders Make Tough Decisions
As a leader, you will often have to make tough decisions. Former president George W. Bush provides an inside look at how leaders go about this daunting work.