Publishers are increasingly using “book trailers” to raise awareness for their books. We are certainly using them here at Thomas Nelson. For some projects, they are very, very effective.
Social Media Marketing
A Social Media Framework
I am often asked how it all works together. People say, “Okay, I get the blog thing. I understand Facebook and Twitter—sort of. But how does it all work together?” A good social media strategy has three components.
Book Notes: Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuk
Social media has changed everything. It is now possible for you to take the thing you are most passionate about, create a social media platform, and build a real business than makes serious bucks. In his new book, Crush It! Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion, Gary Vaynerchuck shows you how. In a moment, I will tell you how to get a copy FREE.
Beware of the Self-Proclaimed Social Media Experts
You wouldn’t want to attempt to climb Mount Everest, get half way up the mountain, and then discover that this is your guide’s first climb. Neither do you want to follow the advice of someone who is (as they say in Texas) “all hat and no cattle.” Reading a few books and articles on social media is not the same as building a successful social media platform.